Water is such a precious natural resourse. Greensboro doesn't have a river, but we do have some great manmade lakes: Townsend, Jeanette, Brandt and Higgins are the largest. We need to do everything we can to keep our lakes clean. Greensboro must be doing something right because in 2008, we were the recipient of the Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 Safe Drinking Water Excellence Award for Large Surface Water Public Water Supply Systems. The above kayaker was enjoying an outing on Lake Higgins in northwest Greensboro. Lake Higgins is great not only for on the water activities, but also for the surrounding nature trails.
Today is ABC Wednesday and, for this round, we're celebrating everything that is green about Greensboro. W is for water, good clean drinking water, full of fish, and just waiting for us to use for recreational purposes. Let's all do our part to keep our water supply clean.
I totally love it.
(And I have NO idea why some pics don't "take" in that linky thing, sorry...)
Posted by: Roger Green | Thursday, June 20, 2013 at 10:54 AM
My post was also about water, but too much water.
An Arkies Musings
Posted by: Richie | Friday, June 21, 2013 at 11:49 AM