Recently, we featured a view of Starmount Presbyterian. Today, we feature a view of the columbarium on the West Market Street side of the church. It is becoming increasingly popular for churches to provide places to store the cremated remains of members and Starmount has a lovely one.
Columbarium comes from the Latin word "columba," meaning dove, and relating to the compartmentalized housing for doves and pigeons. The Chinese and Japanese terms for such a place meaning, "bone receiving place." Cremains and columbariums take up so much less space than caskets and cemeteries. It seems to be an environmentally friendly way to provide a final resting place to our loved ones. St. Pius and First Presbyterian both have a columbarium. The spaces look so peaceful. Where else have you seen one in Greensboro?
Too bad Julie isn't doing her Taphophile Tragics meme any longer. This would be perfect for it. Didn't know about the Latin roots of the word columbarium. Learn something new every day. Thanks.
Posted by: Oakland Daily Photo | Sunday, June 09, 2013 at 11:53 PM
Fellowship Presbyterian Church on New Garden recently erected a small, but nice columbarium behind their sanctuary.
Posted by: Charles Layno | Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 08:52 AM