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« Mayberry Moment at Carolina Estates | Main | THE PENTECOSTALS »

Saturday, June 01, 2013


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Jo Power

such a shame that a grand old house like this sit so unloved, such a waste.


It sure is a grand house.

Lauren Kennedy

There really is a North Carolina feel to your photograph. Glad you were successful in finding the link to CDP. (Saw your request for help somewhere today...!)


I do hope so, a restoration by 'guardian angels' would be fitting for this grand old structure. It must've been quite a sight once!


You’ve made a great Theme Day post. I'm glad you picked this for today. Thanks for the informative text.


This one sure deserves a helping hand.

Oakland Daily Photo

Sad to see. When a refrigerator appears on the porch, then you know the end is near.


Ah!!! When I saw the last comment, I had to chuckle in a sad sort of agreement... This is a delightful building! I'd love to see it restored...it's got that North Carolina charm!!!


Great find! It would be wonderful if restored. It's a great setting.

Janis & David

So nice to see the city daily photo community supporting each other. Haven't had this many comments in a long time!

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