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Wednesday, May 01, 2013


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Jane Mitchell

This makes me think of the French children's song "Saavez-vous planter les choux." Maybe children at the museum could learn a little French while planting. Singing while you work makes light your chore.


Good advice, - nothing like good garden food that you grow yourself.

Janis of So Cal

Fun place! Raise food in the garden, sell some of those plants to families, family eats some of them all Summer then they return with their children and end of season bounty to sell that...hhhmmmmm I think your city may be a breeding ground for business hippies!
I heartily approve!

Roger Green

I think we're having a plant sale at our school this weekend.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Reader Wil

This is really a very important project for both children and adults!I know that some schools have kitchen gardens, but especially city children should get acquainted with what nature has to offer.Thanks for sharing!
Wil, ABCW Team.

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