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Tuesday, April 23, 2013


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Janis of So Cal

These Pottery Festival posts just get better and better!
I love finding a food truck to try out if it is new to me or re-visit if it is an old favorite. Southern California was st the forefront of the Food Truck movement along with many other urban metropolis centers.
I think back a few years ago the Kogi truck with their fusion Korean BBQ Tacos was the first truck I dined at...and still love!
We have apps on the phone and Twitter to track down mobile food finds when we want that kind of thing or better yet just pull over and find parking near one spotted driving by!
A favorite staple like an old friend is not actually a truck but a pick-up and trailer that does rich savory street style tacos in the same neighborhood nightly.
Great, I just ate lunch and now I am hungry again!

Janis & David

Thank you, Janis (of Southern California) for your great comments the last two days.

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