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Thursday, March 14, 2013


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Stefan Jansson

I always try to visit the local farms. You never know when they will be gone. I hope you took a lot of photos at this farm.


It must be so fascinating to watch the professional shearer at work. I would be. In my dream world I live on a farm. Enjoyed your post, and thanks for dropping by my nook.

Janis & David

It is fascinating to watch the shearer, Hazel. They get the fleece off all in one piece (give or take a few scraps). By the way, the chickens love to peck at the fleece....... makes one wonder.........

Yes, Stefan, I did take a lot of photos. Although, now that I am trying to organize my photos, transfer, cull, and delete, I don't take as many. I have two computers that are out of storage space.

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