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Monday, March 25, 2013


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Selma, Ala., Daily Photo

Oh well, spring has sprung much later than this year. We will all appreciate it more when it does!


I'll be happy for you when the sun finally makes a lasting impression..meanwhile these flowers are really a beautiful sight

Janis of So Cal

Beautiful flowers at the farmer's market!
Spring will arrive eventually and as you say the hot days of Summer will not be far behind.
We have had buffet style weather here in So Cal, a little bit of Spring with pleasant middle 70s, some very hot days in the 90s last week and a few freezing nights here and there add in high wind warnings that last a day or two at a time and dry everything out. Blooming flora, breeding fauna and sneezing people dressed in light layers because who knows what the day will bring!

Oakland Daily Photo

The calendar or the weather usually tells us it's spring. Either way, it triggers an atavistic desire to plunk things into the soil and pray they grow to a point they can be plucked. When we have to wait to plant, it's like "grrr, really?"

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