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« Spring Blossoms at EUC | Main | Food Truck at the Greensboro Children's Museum »

Friday, March 29, 2013


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Selma, Ala., Daily Photo

I like how you framed this, and it sure is a reminder of Calvary. Have a happy Easter!


I remember not so long ago when we moved to Greensboro - 1981 - how BI, Cone, Guilford Mills and many other textile firms and related industries dominated the regional landscape, same thing for furniture industry in High Point. The only constant is change and evolution. How we move forward determines how we will adjust. It is a difficult process as we remember our historical roots but set forth with new plantings. But that is the nature of life and spring reminds as as we watch the landscape turn green we must remember to do the same in so many aspects of our life.

Janis & David

Thank you for sharing, pfknc. Very deep message.... on many levels. As always, thank you for reading and double thank you for commenting.

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