On Saturday, March 2nd, UNCG tried to join the Harlem Shake craze and make an official video like the students at Appalachian State (and many other universities)*. However, the UNCG, campus police informed organizers that they didn't have all the right permits. By 1:10 pm, as noted on the clock above, the dejected crowd dispersed. The coed in the photo, dressed in neon and black was scheduled to be a "highlighter". She was going to be one of the people to get her 15 seconds of fame by being part of the epicenter that starts shaking before the masses join for the final 15 seconds. The dance has been around for a long time; it originated in Harlem in 1981. It became an internet meme that went viral in February 2013.
By the time the local students get everything in order, likely, the fad may have lost momentum. We were impressed that the students dispersed without any disorderly conduct. Civility and respect are important qualities. As the group broke up, two "highlighters" headed into quad dorms and the one above went to the union building. The felt-tipped, transparent/flourescent ink highlighters have been used by students since 1963. Those highlighter-colored outfits are new to the scene. If you see someone wearing one, you might want to ask them if they were in a Harlem-shake video. Oh, to be young again!
* If you aren't sure what we are talking about, see App's example here. Beware, movements are PG-13.
I've never even heard of the "Harlem Shake." But I do like that highlighter costume. It's my favorite color of highlighter. Very interesting tale you tell in this post. Kids! I'm not sure I'd want to be young again - there's too many things you've got to know and keep up on if you want to be cool! :)
Posted by: Lowell | Tuesday, March 05, 2013 at 08:56 AM
I've never heard of the Harlem Shake
I never hope to hear of one
But I can tell you for your sake
I'd rather hear than be in one.
(Apologies to Ogden Nash)
Posted by: Jane Mitchell | Wednesday, March 06, 2013 at 12:54 PM