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« Harlem Shake UNCG, Not | Main | Hybrid Frame of Mind »

Wednesday, March 06, 2013


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Roger Green

I suspect our next car will be a hybrid. If we can afford the initial outlay, and the prices have come down.

Billy Jones

I'd love to have one but have done as well as 50 MPG with my '91 Tercel (better than my Yamaha motorcycle) and my brother has achieved 55 MPG with his '94 Paseo neither of which are hybrids. On the other hand, my Dodge Ram pick-up is lucky to top 15 MPG so I try not to drive it unless something won't fit in the Tercel.

PS. Getting that kind of mileage out of my Tercel required some aerodynamic modifications that made the front shaped more like the Prius and Paseo and a change to taller tires. It's amazing what you can do with duct tape.

Jane Mitchell

Perhaps it's all in the technique, but I think duct tape is over-rated. The few things I've tried it on have not turned out well.
As for hybrids, I'd get one if I drove more.


We have several friends who drive the Prius and they like the car very much.


My parents drive a Prius and they love it.
An Arkies Musings

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