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Saturday, March 09, 2013


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Billy Jones

"Deep Roots is member owned and it elects a board of directors from within the membership. It has by-laws and governance policies. They have principles, values, and green initiatives. They try to buy local, haven't used plastic bags in over four years, and they stock the most wholesome products possible."

Just as we hope to someday do over on Phillips Avenue...

Janis & David

Billy Jones.... so glad to have you back blogging....... we've missed you and know from Ed Cone that you have been going through a lot. Thank you for always fighting for the East Side! Did you know Alice Moore? She died a few years ago. She was an Eastsider from day one who fought for Bessemer and Summit Avenues and all things your way until the very end.......

Jane Mitchell

It has been long in the making so I've waited a long time to see the new location. I hope they will have good parking.

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