Driving back from Washington, D.C. this weekend, as we were approaching Greensboro, we saw this truck on the road: "best coffee on the Interstate", Pilot travel centers. On the side, the truck's tank had written, "flammable". Somehow, we don't think the liquid inside was coffee. This was a brilliant piece of advertisement from which one cannot escape. Seeing the coffee-bean shaped sign made us want to stop for coffee. However, the closest Pilot (Flying J) travel center to Greensboro is in Mebane and we had already passed it. We settled for getting back to town 15 minutes earlier and brewing coffee at home.
Seeing this photo and looking at photos from this time last year, we notice spring is a little later in arriving this year. Perhaps it is for the best as we don't want any beautiful blossoms to get damaged. If you want to learn about trees that will be blooming soon, look here. Do you have any in your yard? Something a little farther away from home is this 1:32 video about early blooms of spring in the Chicago Botanic Garden. At any rate, as we look at the dull, almost colorless, photo above, we can hardly contain ourselves, anticipating another beautiful spring in Greensboro. Spring, hurry up! Please!
That really IS an enticing truck to follow! I will pass on the Flying J truck stops,the ones out here are ..how to put this? Gross,yucky and disturbing in so many ways! Still makes me want coffee though perhaps elsewhere or at home to unwind as you did.
I sure hope Spring finds the rest of the country soon, we have had very unsettled weather here in the last couple weeks everything from rain,hail bright sun and then fog with lows anywhere from 29-51 and highs up to 93 a couple days! Not what one would call comfortable!
Posted by: Janis of So Cal | Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 09:00 PM
Weather has been a little crazy here in NC, too. But then, March is always unpredictable in our state. They say even the cherry blossoms in DC are late this year.
Posted by: Janis & David | Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 09:55 PM