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Sunday, March 03, 2013


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They come in all shapes and forms, you could say.


We've got an independent church in Ocala called "Christ's Church." I always thought that name was kind of arrogant, as if other churches were not Christ's church... :-)

We got more churches than you can shake a Bible at!

You're right. This building doesn't look too attractive in the light of day. I remember when teaching school and the students left for a vacation. It was an empty and cold place!

Janis & David

Lowell... see if your Christ Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church. We DO need to see this church when it has people in it doing their good work. I love the way it attracts a diverse group of people. Maybe someone from the church will chime in here and tell us about it.

Jeff Miller

Here's someone from the church - the pastor! More info about us can be found at www.ChristChurchGreensboro.org or on our Facebook page. We've held services since June 2011 - so we're still relatively new. Our full name is actually Christ Church Greensboro. Why? It represents - in order - the things we love most. We love Christ, we love His church (which is the people, not the building, but we like our location & space too), and we love Greensboro. The building IS brimming with people on Sunday mornings as we gather for worship. We welcome all at CCG.

Janis & David

Thank you Pastor Miller! We are so happy that you shared information about your church here. Now we understand!

Christ. Church. Greensboro.

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