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« This Old Barn | Main | Karen Bjork Dischell »

Friday, March 01, 2013


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What fun! You're right, that will make any day brighter.


Sensory overload...need a chair to sit and rest one's eyes!


That is what I'd call a riot of color! Must be a popular spot. Nice theme day shot!


Now that would be perfect for waking up! I love that they change it up from time to time:) Lovely capture for the theme!

Jo Power

looks like a great spot..


What a great way to attract business.


Excellent theme day shot. Thank you for stopping by today.

Oakland Daily Photo

A lot is going on at New York Pizza. The chairs are nice, but my fav is the garbage can planters.

Valladolid Daily Photo

Like your choice for the theme day.

Genie - Paris and Beyond

I guess that I never thought about how much of the world loves café chairs... wonderful colors here and a very welcoming place to enjoy friends and pizza.


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