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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


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I heartily agree that FISH are wonderful FOOD to add to one's diet. And it's good that your community is encouraging the practice in a variety of ways! Kate, ABC Team


I think it is great that people are becoming more aware of the source of their food. I'm planting a garden and visiting the Farmer's Market. I live in an area of Catfish Farms and Sweet Potato farms, too. Grilled fish and baked sweet potatoes - Yum!
Great photo for ABC Wednesday!
Lea's Menagerie

Ernest Thompson

I caught this. But the fish is a perch and not a bream!


Jane Mitchell

And how did you prepare it, Ernest? Was it good?


Good one for the letter F. I love fish. It's even better if it's caught locally.


What a lovely and perfect F capture! We have local fishing here and I agree there's no better way to eat locally.


Your eat local post certainly goes along with mine today. I posted about our eating local, farm fresh food.


If I remember correctly, this one escaped the frying pan!

Roger Green

FRESH fish! What kind is it?

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

major surplus and survival warehouse

I live in an area of Catfish Farms and Sweet Potato farms, too. Grilled fish and baked sweet potatoes - Yum!

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