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Wednesday, January 09, 2013


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Jane Mitchell

It has been a pleasure traveling through our neighborhoods with you. ABC Wednesdays are probably my favorite of your entries, but I enjoy and learn from all of them.




I've really enjoyed seeing and learning about your town of Greensboro.

abcw team


This has been an amazing tour with you in Round 11....sure looking forward to more in Round 12.

Janis of So Cal

The neighborhoods have been a great theme for ABC Wednesday, I feel as though I could drive around Greensboro and sort of fee I knew where I was,a little sense of place has been imparted through your blog this year, BRAVO!

I am a little less stressed at the moment and think I will be back for round 12 next week.

Roger Green

a very noble, and successful effort, this round!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Janis & David

Thanks for all of the positive feedback and THANK YOU ABC Wednesday team for always visiting and leaving meaningful comments.


Your post reminds me of my visit to the Louisiana Purchase State Park in Arkansas. There is a marker there that was the starting point for surveying the Louisiana Purchase.
An Arkies Musings

Oakland Daily Photo

I love the idea of a Genesis marker. Kind of like Kilometer Zero in many European capitals. But how is it determined? Especially in towns that started out as farm communities. Regardless, your Z is fascinating.

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