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Saturday, January 05, 2013


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Stefan Jansson

I'm sure the sneakers are made by kids in the thirld world.


I get a kick out of you!

Never heard of Kicks. And I don't think I'm missing anything. Youthful persons are notorious for fads which fade quickly.

Yup, it's me. Where've you been? :-))

Happy 2013

Janis of So Cal

I know a couple of "Sneaker-Heads" who collect and wear Kicks!
They will stand in line for hours (or bribe someone else to do so) for a coveted new release. Converse makes some crazy footwear online.
The original canvas VAN's were once made near here, back in the 1970s you could bring them any kind of canvas and they would make it into a shoe for you!
Check out Adidas "wings" in silver if they have those, perfect for a superhero to wear to a Con!

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