Sunset Hills is THE drive-through neighborhood for Christmas in Greensboro. In the above photo, you see a house on Ridgeway Drive. As seen in the photo, this house alone has more than a dozen of the light-wrapped, chicken wire balls suspended from the trees. These ubiquitious decorations are the hallmark of the neighborhood. Can you imagine driving through a house where almost everyone participates in the elaborate ritual of hoisting these decorations into the trees? Well, tomorrow, about 1,500 people are going to run through Sunset Hills, enjoying the decorations and raising money for charity at the same time. If you are local, you have to see this event, as well as the decorations that brought fame to the neighborhood just southeast of Friendly Center.
Pamplona, Spain may have the Running of the Bulls; however, Greensboro, North Carolina will have an event called The Running of the Balls. The event will be a 5K run through Sunset Hills, with people playing and singing live music along the way, which is being billed as one of the most decorated neighborhood in Greensboro.
I definitely prefer your running of the balls! What a lovely and charitable idea.
Posted by: Hilda | Saturday, December 15, 2012 at 10:54 PM