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Wednesday, November 21, 2012


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Jane Mitchell

My mother always said a home should have a nice "howdy-do." This one more than meets that requirement. I feel like walking right up and knocking, expecting to be greeted with open arms.

Roger Green

It IS inviting, that walkway...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Seems like a perfect house with a picket fence.

Janis of So Cal

Best home yet! I am loving watching the theme play out through ABC Wednesday!
This is a most inviting home,note I say HOME not house because one can tell this is a place of warmth. In my minds eye there is a dining table covered in a lace cloth with a cornucopia spilling Autumn from it's horn in the center. Beyond there is a bustling kitchen with fresh bread baking while just out of the oven pies cool on blue and white checked clothes.
Thank you for the visit!


It is a beautifully set house. I can only dream of finding a house like this in Malaysia some day!
Duncan In Kuantan

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