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Wednesday, October 10, 2012


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Reader Wil

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely McAdoo Heights. Good choice for M! Have a great day!
Wil, ABC Team.


I love the name "McAdoo Heights" - it sounds bouncy and cheerful! :-) Sounds like it's well named (and how perfect for M week that the neighborhood's houses were built for mill workers!)

And what a magical house! My husband and I were just discussing recently how much we like brick houses, and that they don't build them anymore, at least not out here. They look so sturdy and so tidy with their white trim. The gable and the dustpan dormer really give this house great character. (I'd have painted the front door sage green, but that's just me!) :-)

Funny about McAdoo Heights and local celebrity Bob McAdoo - coincidence? I think not! I hope you solve the mystery!

Roger Green

The building its tall, and it reminded me of the basketball player Bob McAdoo.

Jane Mitchell

I've never heard of a dishpan dormer before, but I like the name. I agree with Laloofah about the door color.

Luna Miranda

fascinating! i'm sure the basketball star would be proud to be associated to this town.

M is for...


I love brick houses like this!

Janis of So Cal

McAdoo cannot be a common name, perhaps you could forward your link and a request for any information to the Miami Heat PR rep or Coach McAdoo may have an email himself on the team website...you never know!
This is another very charming home,cozy and inviting. I don't think I could get through the ABCs with neighborhoods around here but perhaps combined with architectural styles I could pull it off...maybe next round.

Janis & David

Janis of Southern CA, For ABC Wed, you can combine streets and neighborhoods. We were able to feature them separately.

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