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Wednesday, October 03, 2012


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The house looks very pretty !
ABC Team


Neighborhoods are so interesting and unique.

Roger Green

this was a LEARNING experience for you as well as us!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Jane Mitchell

I have lived here since 1958 and I never knew this area was called Longview Hills, but it suits,for there are nice hilly vistas to enjoy. A learning experience indeed!


What an interesting house, I would have guessed it was a lot older. That gable looks louvered! If it had a steeper roof pitch and some shutters, it would be right at home as a 19th century New England farmhouse! You sure have some lovely neighborhoods in Greensboro, I always enjoy my virtual visits to them!

Janis of So Cal

Pretty home with lush landscaping! I am really enjoying this tour of Greensboro you are taking us on,thanks!

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