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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


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What a good idea it is to approach ABC Wednesday from a neighbourhood viewpoint. Does involve a fair bit of driving around though, I suspect.

Yes, these houses are well maintained and lawns well tended. We dont see many houses like that around where I live, or even in the greater Sydney area, from memory.

I am embarrassed to say that I think houses in Australia (new houses) are overly big, bigger than the average new house in America.


That looks like a nice neighborhood.

Janis of So Cal

Great name for a neighborhood! I may think up a theme if I do ABC Wednesday again next round too,this is such a good idea.

Roger Green

attractive, though not particularly regal!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Billy Jones

Right around the corner from my house and a great location for Greensboro's performing arts center: http://greensboroperformingarts.blogspot.com/2012/01/lets-learn-about-area.html


Nice to take your neighbor hood jaunts with you♫

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