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« Tobacco Hornworm | Main | Mr. Crow of Ainsworth Drive »

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


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Janis & David

The News and Record has a great article this morning about the Montagnard families of Greensboro's Rosewood neighborhood. Rosewood is a "right" triangle of land bordered by the streets N. O. Henry Blvd. & Summit Avenue just north of East Wendover Ave. If you are local, you will enjoy reading this article.


Calling by from ABC Wednesday, sounds like an interesting garden to visit.

Billy Jones

I remember when other than the Jefferson-Pilot Club, that entire area was rural and a lot prettier than it is today. I miss that Greensboro.


Wow ~ Great photo for J and how wonderful to have the wild turkey there ~ (A Creative Harbor)


How lovely! It's always so interesting to see places on line so different, yet so similar, to our own. I must say it's the first time I've seen a turkey cross the garden...:)

Janis of So Cal

Greensboro has so many lovely little neighborhoods and thanks to you I get to see them!
I love that the wild turkey sort of adopted a family for himself to hang out with.

Roger Green

nice neighborhood
ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Looks like a fun place to explore! Love the roaming turkey!

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