Yesterday, this father and son duo were enjoying some late afternoon fishing in Lake Hamilton. They didn't seem to be having a lot of luck, but, then again, fishing isn't always about the luck. It is about the fellowship, the fun, and the hopefulness that comes when waiting.. with bait on a hook and a line in water. The lake, located in the heart of the Hamilton Lakes neighborhood, was so peaceful yesterday and fairly clear, considering it has been raining in Greensboro. There is a large swan is quite at home on Lake Hamilton, and is oblivious to what his human guests are up to.
While we were walking the trails around the lake, we saw at least six different kinds of mushrooms; some with interesting shapes and colors. If you like to hunt mushrooms, locally, weather conditions have been perfect these last few days. All the mature hardwood trees in Hamilton Lakes, along with the leaf mulch, seemed to invite the fleshy, spore-bearing fungus.
Today, routines are back to normal, the boy in the above photo is back in school, maybe even talking about the "one they caught" or the "one that got away." Likely, dad is back at work taking about the good time he had with his son. Even without this photo, the memory is one the little boy will have in his heart- for a very long time.
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Posted by: Greensboro Daily Photo | Tuesday, September 04, 2012 at 10:49 PM