The term "senior" has many shades of meaning, ranging from an elderly person to a person who has the longest tenure to the elder of two people (or more) with the same name. Mayor Pro-tem Yvonne Johnson, photographed above in her signature purple suit, is a Greensboro senior par excellence. She is a senior member of Greensboro's City Council. She has served as mayor, mayor pro-tem, and councilperson on and off (mostly on) in Greensboro since the early 1990's. The News and Record refers to her as a steel magnolia; she is known to be tough, but fair. Ms. Johnson, in her late 60's, has a softer side. She is known to hug just about everyone within range in the wake of not only a personal accomplishment, but also for any great victory for Greensboro. The day she was photographed above, the dedication of the Downtown Greenway, she was out supporting the artists, financial backers, and citizens-at-large at this community-building event. She is one of Greensboro's greatest supporters. Although she is one of our elders, she works tirelessly for the youth of Greensboro, too.
Personally, one of our favorite causes for seniors in Greensboro is The Shepherd's Center. They are dedicated to helping older adults pursue independent and active lives of purpose. If she is not already involved in Shepherd's Center, she would make a great member. Today is ABC Wednesday and "S" is for "seniors."
Must applaud this one and add a plug for Shepherd's Center and its "Adventures in Learning" program which gives real meaning to the expression "lifelong learning."
Posted by: Jane Mitchell | Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 07:45 AM
Let's hear it for the seniors! I'm the senior library at my place of work.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Posted by: Roger Green | Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 09:18 AM
My senior years are the best ever. Lovin every minute of it. Must applaud Ms. Johnson.
Posted by: Ann | Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 10:43 AM
She sound a wonderful senior in all senses of the word.
Joy - ABC Team
Posted by: Joy | Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 04:48 PM
Seniors are not to be tucked away, nor should any other Segment of Society. Great to See this Smart lady and to learn about the Shepherd's Center.
Posted by: Carol Carson | Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 06:09 PM