Inquiring minds want to know. The little girl with headphones on is adorable, absorbed in her e-reader, reading up a storm. What questions do you think she has? What text has her so engrossed? Ironically, the WORLDBOOK encyclopedia set, above her head, rests, languishing on the shelf of the Benjamin Branch of the Greensboro Public Library.* But, the electronic media has the full attention of both child and adult.
Today is ABC Wednesday and "Q" is for questioning. Today is also National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day and we have to ask: Why is it that we need such a day? What are we doing to our children to cause trauma, stress, and depression. Why can't all of our children have lives like the happy, well-cared-for, intellectually engaged child in the photo above? If you can do any little thing to help make a child's life more peaceful, beautiful, safe, and secure, you will be helping not only the individual, but also the world. Through questioning, we will find answers..... and hope.
*Fortunately, the digital version of WORLDBOOK is getting more use. It is even bundled on the Apple OS X.
i'm still for real books, ink on paper. but it's great that young minds question what they read, what they see. we should never stop to question.
Posted by: Luna Miranda | Wednesday, May 09, 2012 at 09:54 AM
You always come through with a relevant issue. We all need to work for children's mental health and general well-being.
Posted by: Jane Mitchell | Wednesday, May 09, 2012 at 11:16 AM
That is so sad that children can suffer so.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Posted by: Roger Green | Wednesday, May 09, 2012 at 04:32 PM
My question is "why do we need electronic reading machines?" Even my daughter was annoyed that I gave her some books that I'd been saving for so many years for HER kids. She questioned "Why don't you just buy a Kindle like everyone else?" Well, I still like to feel the pages in my hand and put a pretty bookmark in the spot where I end for the day. *sigh* Have a wonderful week,
abcw team
Posted by: Leslie | Wednesday, May 09, 2012 at 05:24 PM