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Wednesday, April 25, 2012


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Reader Wil, Netherlands

What a magnificent instrument this is. Thank you for sharing your post! Your choice of O is great. Have a lovely week.
Wil, ABC Team.


I love to go hear an orchestra, we have a great one here in Kansas City. I played the violin as a child, have always considered picking it up again. Great O word.

Jane Mitchell

Wish all of Greensboro would read this and would support our opera and our orchestra. Sitkovetsky has alsrted a most successful Chamber Music series.

Roger Green

It's a difficult time for the arts. Glad the orchestra's seemingly doing OK.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team


hOpe the Orchestra cOntinues to dO well,

abcw team


We live about 45 miles from Indianapolis on a lake so nothing like the opera here. But we do have an orcherstra that plays every night! Jumping fish splashing and bullfrogs croaking :-) Great O. Blessings, Debbie

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