Greensboro is lucky to have an opera. Unfortunately, as of September 15, 2011, Greensboro Opera is staffed exclusively by volunteers. They no longer have an executive director (Barbara Peters) or a company manager (Elena DeAngelis). The date of the last eNewsletter, coincides with their last days at work. Last year, at this time, eNewsletters were still being published. There is a luncheon event tomorrow at the Greensboro Country Club Pavillon, related to opera action and fighting on stage. Let's hope they can generate revenue so that Greensboro can continue to have an opera. They want to have a production November 2012; however, it would cost $160,000 and the board anticipates that they would only sell $50,000 in tickets*. We can't imagine our city without the quality, full operas with live music. We also hope they can maintain their program of performing for fifth graders at the Guilford County Schools.
The Greensboro Symphony Orchestra seems to be doing a little better, financially. They still have confirmed events on the 2012 calendar. The symphony orchestra presents so many outreach and education programs, bringing live, classical music to a generation that might otherwise never hear it. The conductor, Soviet/Russian-born Dmitry Sitkovetsky works tirelessly to generate interest in the orchestra's performances. He collaborates frequently with his mother, pianist Bella Davidovich. His mother draws quite a crowd when she performs with the Greensboro Orchestra. We are lucky to have these talented musicians in a leadership role in our community. The Greensboro Orchestra traces its roots to the 1920's.
In the photo above, the acoustic, upright bass, and the mask peeking out behind it, belong to a Greensboro family that loves all of the live performances in the Greensboro community. Today is ABC Wednesday and O is for opera and orchestra.
*reference and read more here.
What a magnificent instrument this is. Thank you for sharing your post! Your choice of O is great. Have a lovely week.
Wil, ABC Team.
Posted by: Reader Wil, Netherlands | Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 07:00 AM
I love to go hear an orchestra, we have a great one here in Kansas City. I played the violin as a child, have always considered picking it up again. Great O word.
Posted by: Ann | Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 08:12 AM
Wish all of Greensboro would read this and would support our opera and our orchestra. Sitkovetsky has alsrted a most successful Chamber Music series.
Posted by: Jane Mitchell | Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 08:57 AM
It's a difficult time for the arts. Glad the orchestra's seemingly doing OK.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Posted by: Roger Green | Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 01:37 PM
hOpe the Orchestra cOntinues to dO well,
abcw team
Posted by: Leslie | Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 05:47 PM
We live about 45 miles from Indianapolis on a lake so nothing like the opera here. But we do have an orcherstra that plays every night! Jumping fish splashing and bullfrogs croaking :-) Great O. Blessings, Debbie
Posted by: Debbie | Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 12:17 AM