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Wednesday, April 18, 2012


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Jane Mitchell

The Center is even more important to the community since Lutheran Family Services closed its office in Greensboro.


Looks like a good house to lease and a pleasant neighborhood in which to live.


An interesting and imporrtant last sentence. It annoys me that some English folk are prone to forget their ancestors probably came from Scandinavia or Germany or France or... the list goes on.

Luna Miranda

180 languages--wow! this looks like a wonderful community to love in.


Interesting post and I'm so glad you made the remark about us all being immigrants with the possible exception of native Americans. I'll never understand why people in a country made up of immigrants from all over the world lack in sympathy for newer immigrants. I'm an old North Carolinian in many senses of that expression but my ancestry includes British, French, German, Scottish and probably a few countries I'm not aware of. Carver, ABC Wednesday Team


Wow 180 languages, it must be a microcosm of the world.
Joy - ABC Team

Roger Green

What an amazingly sensible idea!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

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