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Wednesday, April 04, 2012


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Roger Green

Yes, and a food source that doesn't involve hundreds or thousands of miles of transportation. Yay!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Every household should have a garden even if it is smaller than this. I was surprise people here spend hundreds of money just to make the grass look green and neat looking. If they only spend the money to buy for a green house and or start a garden like this we do not eat vegetables that are coated with pesticides and insecticides. ^_^ Just my thought ^_^ ABC Wed

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Water World Wednesday

Jane Mitchell

There's no "like" button," but I do like this picture of healthy, edible plants.


What a fantastic capture of environment and its care taker. Lovely.


I do like a greenhouse, the warmth and smell, Korey has produced a productive space of luscious greens.

Korey's Mom

My favorite Farmer!!!!

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