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Wednesday, March 28, 2012


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Nita Fleming

Good Morning,
Thank you for all the pictures of wonderful Greensboro.
I have been receiving the pictures dailey for a few months. I have not seen everything you have published.
If you have not already done this. Could you visit Beacon Place, Kids Path? My cousin Mike Gaydon painted a beautiful mural on the wall in the main room you enter.
I would love to see the spotlight on this work of art at some point. I have many pictures but you probably have a wide lens camera and can do a much better photo than I can.
The lady at Kids Path is wonderful, friendly and cooperative. Thank you, Nita

Roger Green

Kolorful room for the kids! Love it.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Oakland Daily Photo

Definitely looks warm and cozy. Who wouldn't want to spend some time among the books in this nifty nook? Oh, and if you do post the mural Nita is talking about, don't forget to link to Monday Mural.(wink)

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