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Wednesday, March 14, 2012


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Jane Mitchell

Here is the latest I could find on the Lumbee Recognition Act http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s112-1218. I recall that it came out of committee, but has it ever passed?

Roger Green

IMPORTANT contribution.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Thanks - a most interesting post.


Jane: To my knowledge, the bill hasn't ever passed. If anyone knows more, please keep us posted.

Tom Godwin

My best childhood friend!

Rosa Revels Winfree

Thanks for the article about my brother Lonnie Revels. The Lumbee Bill has not passed. We were recognized by the U.S. government in 1956 but without services. We are seeking recognition with services.

Lena Epps Brooker

A fitting tribute to an Indian man who sought to improve life for our people and to educate others about who we are. Lena Epps Brooker

Pamela DeRensis

He was a tireless warrior! I wish there were more like him.

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