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Wednesday, March 07, 2012


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It is heartbreaking to think about school children being homeless. It's heartbreaking to think of anyone being homeless for that matter. Good that there are people and organizations that try to help. Too bad our local and federal governments in the U.S. often do so little to help with this problem. Carver, ABC Wednesday Team

Jane Mitchell

The link to the News & Record article does show help from the federal and local governments-- "Guilford has received millions in federal aid and community grants."

Oakland Daily Photo

There is so much want in a nation so rich. I still don't understand it.

Roger Green

It's absurd that there are so many homeless in this wealthy land.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gigi Ann

Homelessness is a sad thing, that almost every country has to try and deal with. In the times we live in, where everything is almost out of the reach of many to buy. Yes I agree it is a sad situation.

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