Since yesterday's GDP post was about diabetes and food choices that aren't the best, today, we thought we'd share a photo of a woman who was eating a colorful salad at the reenactment event. She had assembled a salad from Earth Fare's salad bar. If we understood the sign correctly (last time we were at Earth Fare), the container for her salad bar is wheat-based packaging. This biodegradable product is an environmentally friendly way to package to-go food.
On April 12th, Earth Fare will get a some competition as Whole Foods is opening in Greensboro. Hopefully, having two large supermarkets that make a commitment to selling healthy food to the general population will foster healthful eating. Greensboro will have 34,000 square feet of pure nutrition available, in the heart of Friendly Center. Here's to saying goodbye to processed foods with unnecessary additives.