Saturday (2/25/12) was the first day that we noticed cherry trees in bloom. Other than daffodils, hyacinth, and the other bulbs, cherry trees, redbuds and forsythia, are the earliest bloomers in Greensboro. The above cherry trees are located at the top of the hill in the Jewish cemetery on High Point Road. They looked so beautiful, yet it was so ironic to see the first signs of life springing forth inside a place that symbolizes death. You can see the majestic tree in the left-hand corner still in in the middle of its winter nap-- but not those eager trees with the red blossoms. It is not uncommon in Greensboro to have an ice storm in March. Let's hope that either spring arrives early and stays or that it will get cold enough to keep more plants from blooming prematurely. February 25th is a little early to expect winter to be completely over.
On GDP, we try to capture a photo of early bloomers every year. Here is a redbud photo from 2010. We've picked up quite a few followers who like the flora pictures. Please feel free to add comments if you know some facts about the above tree. Happy Monday, dear readers.
Note: We've changed this post after learning that the trees were likely cherry trees and not redbuds! Thanks Mike, Jane, and others!
you are just a tiny bit ahead of us...can't wait to see ours blooming and the dogwoods!
Posted by: Tanya | Monday, February 27, 2012 at 06:47 AM
Maybe you should come take a picture of my Forest Pansy with its purple leaves in the fall to give a seasonal portrayal of this wonderful tree.
Posted by: Jane Mitchell | Monday, February 27, 2012 at 09:10 AM
The official name for the cemetery is the Greensboro Hebrew Cemetery. A friend of ours pointed this out. Here are two relevant websites:
Do you know the difference between Jewish and Hebrew? Read more here:
Additional insight much appreciated!
Posted by: Janis | Monday, February 27, 2012 at 07:35 PM
Sorry to dispoint, but those are not Redbuds.
Posted by: mike | Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 05:49 PM