Visiting Elm Street yesterday afternoon, we ran into H while he was waiting for friends at the Green Bean coffee shop. Unfortunately for H, the Green Bean was closing at 5:00 pm yesterday and so he had to wait for his friends outside. This was fortunate for GDP because we got to meet another person from Greensboro. H seems to be an eclectic soul who is a music fan and is involved in the industry himself. We didn't do a formal interview; however, we did chat long enough to find out that his great tye dye T-shirt was made by Julie Hardy of H20 Tye Dyes of Winston-Salem. One of H's friends says he is "high profile". We'd have to agree; we knew at first glance he would be fun to meet and photograph. H's H20 T-shirt is a camera magnet for sure. This image begs the question, "Where's the Sartorialist when you need him?". Here's to fresh coffee, good friends, and great tye dye all rolled into one.
We're sharing this photo with our friends at Weekend Reflections where everyone loves a mirror image. Enjoy your weekend readers.
He has a very short name. Looks like a hippie.
Posted by: Steffe | Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 06:30 AM
A bit eccentric but confident...
Posted by: Madge | Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 01:39 PM
Great street photo.
Regards and best wishes
Posted by: Tatjana Parkacheva | Monday, February 20, 2012 at 03:48 PM