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Friday, February 24, 2012


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Fred Robbins

Concerning the Hendrix St pedestrian bridge. This is a great place to train watch. Below is the Norfolk Southern mainline running from Washington DC to Atlanta and beyond. Also, the Amtrak Crescent roars past at 12:15 PM southbound for New Orleans and at 3:45 AM northbound for NYC.

Fred Robbins

Correction to previous comment. The southbound to New Orleans Amtrak Crescent goes past at 12:15AM and not 12:15PM. Sorry, Fred.



How wonderful to start our day with a comment.... and by someone who knows Greensboro well, at that ! Thank you for reading and thank you for giving us the information about the train schedule. If one roars past at 12:15 am and one at 3:45 am, that means middle of the night viewing... or listening!


Looks to be a cool bridge, keeping up with the NOW.

Jane Mitchell

Speaking of Bessemer--I clicked on yesterday's comment by Billy Jones and read his reminiscences about growing up in Bessemer--great insights and very interesting for those interested in our city's past.

Tatjana Parkacheva

Very nice photo.

Regards and best wishes


Love that sky. Awesome photo.



What a nice street scene with wonderful sky tones that you lead our eyes to.

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