Greensboro started the week with a snow event, had a sunny Thursday, and rain is predicted for today. At any rate, it is still a good weekend to get out and enjoy our city. Here we see a car heading west over the Bessemer Bridge at Church Street. The above bridge connects Fisher Park with the Aycock Historic District.
Nearby, is a walking bridge that allows pedestrian traffic to move back and forth. It is known as the Hendrix Street Pedestrian Bridge. It was rebuilt in 1997 and named after Max Thompson, who, while alive, worked tirelessly to make the refurbished pedestrian bridge a reality. We need to try to get a picture of the pedestrian walkway before the leaves return to hide it. It helps minimize foot traffic on the above bridge.
Notice the nice job they did of keeping the vintage, early-20th century look on the Bessemer Bridge. The low street lights are reminiscent of the gas lamps of yesteryear. Today, Bessemer is not nearly as busy as it was in previous decades when it was the principal east/west artery before Wendover was constructed. It is, however, incredibly convenient to use in getting from the east side of town to North Eugene Street, the First Presbyterian Church, Latham Park, Moses Cone Hospital and everything in between.
This is our contribution to Skywatch Friday.
Concerning the Hendrix St pedestrian bridge. This is a great place to train watch. Below is the Norfolk Southern mainline running from Washington DC to Atlanta and beyond. Also, the Amtrak Crescent roars past at 12:15 PM southbound for New Orleans and at 3:45 AM northbound for NYC.
Posted by: Fred Robbins | Friday, February 24, 2012 at 06:27 AM
Correction to previous comment. The southbound to New Orleans Amtrak Crescent goes past at 12:15AM and not 12:15PM. Sorry, Fred.
Posted by: Fred Robbins | Friday, February 24, 2012 at 06:31 AM
How wonderful to start our day with a comment.... and by someone who knows Greensboro well, at that ! Thank you for reading and thank you for giving us the information about the train schedule. If one roars past at 12:15 am and one at 3:45 am, that means middle of the night viewing... or listening!
Posted by: Janis | Friday, February 24, 2012 at 06:53 AM
Looks to be a cool bridge, keeping up with the NOW.
Posted by: Birdman | Friday, February 24, 2012 at 08:42 AM
Speaking of Bessemer--I clicked on yesterday's comment by Billy Jones and read his reminiscences about growing up in Bessemer--great insights and very interesting for those interested in our city's past.
Posted by: Jane Mitchell | Friday, February 24, 2012 at 08:43 AM
Very nice photo.
Regards and best wishes
Posted by: Tatjana Parkacheva | Friday, February 24, 2012 at 03:15 PM
Love that sky. Awesome photo.
Posted by: Kim,USA | Friday, February 24, 2012 at 05:10 PM
What a nice street scene with wonderful sky tones that you lead our eyes to.
Posted by: jewaicious | Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 01:11 AM