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« St. Phillip AME Zion Church on Ashe Street | Main | MLK, Jr. Parade at Southside »

Monday, January 16, 2012


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Thanks for your post on the history of some of the important places in Greensboro part of that city's black history. I hope you get out for today's parade!! I spent yesterday at a MLK Battle of the Bands and that's what my post is about today since I can't get to St. Petersburg's parade today.

Your love of your city is so evident - thanks for sharing.

Jack Hart

They do put on one GREAT show! Proud they are part of Greensboros heritage!

Jane Mitchell

Very sharp looking. I bet the sound is good too.

Jack Hart

Jane, it is better than good, they bring a sound and an excitement that most bands cannot match!

Oakland Daily Photo

An inspirational post for MLK Jr. Day.


Good image. I do love local parades!

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