Well, it took us until "U" to hit a snag with our A,B,C Neighborhoods of Greensboro theme for ABC Wednesday. That we can think of, Greensboro has no "U" neighborhood. As a matter of fact, Greensboro only has 8 streets that start with the letter "U" (Ulster, Underwood, Union, United, University, Upland, Urban, and Utah). However, between Greensboro and High Point, we do have three universities, three community college campuses, and four colleges. So, with ten institutions of higher education, and a law school, not to mention satellite campuses from as far away as the University of Phoenix, we hereby dub today "university neighborhood" day. Colleges and universities are a vital part of our Greensboro community and their surrounding neighborhoods give students and faculty a place to work, live, and study that minimizes commuting time.
The above photo, taken in the College Hill neighborhood at 1004 West McGee Street. Looking closely, you will notice that a building on the Greensboro College campus sits in the back yard of this 1922 house. When the college was established in 1838 on nearly 80 acres just west of downtown, the surrounding neighborhood was rural. UNCG was established in 1891 and by the time the house in the photo was built, College Hill was a true college neighborhood. The above home reflects that craftsman, bungalow style so ever-popular in the 1920's. So, dear readers, today is ABC Wednesday and "U" is for university neighborhoods, representing all of our many neighborhoods near our multiple campuses.
From here to the end of the alphabet on the A-Z neighborhood round, we're going to have to get pretty creative. A-T were a little more straightforward. See the houses and read about those neighborhoods featured here.