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Wednesday, December 21, 2011


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Jane Mitchell

I was there for that first performance of "Suddenly Last Summer." That performance hooked me and I have been a season subscriber almost every year since. A great addition to our city.

Roger Green

love his enthusiasm!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Well, that is pretty exciting! Every city should have a good theater. We've got an excellent one here, but have yet to attend, although my friends tell me the plays are very high quality.

One of these days.

Love that name, "Preston Lane." I think there is a road called Preston Lane in Dallas! :-)

Oakland Daily Photo

Every town is enriched by a local theater. Have enjoyed this series. Can't help but wonder how you're going to handle X.

Coy Richards

Worth every penny!


Providing a much needed escape, probably even way to understand life, in every city. May time and life continue to treat him kind.

And yes, feels as if the 'difficult years' are about to come, here, there, everywhere. Please have you all a good Thursday.

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