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« Southern Lights on Winter Nights | Main | Night at the Movies »

Friday, December 09, 2011


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Janis of So Cal

The Black and White photo is so evocative of Christmas movie classics like "It's a Wonderful Life" looks very inviting!
I had the pleasure of attending a similar event just before Thanksgiving in downtown Burbank (yes,Beautiful Downtown Burbank!) because my SIL George worked on one of the windows. Many were fun and pretty but this one was the very best,full of holiday cheer and beastly creatures having a wonderful time!

Hope the link worked within text.
There was also a cute boutique who had replaced their window mannequins with live Pin-up models! The girls stood very still until a crowd of children had gathered then began to wave at them and whisper through the glass. The kids were enthralled with both windows and that was the best part!

We could all use more events like these!

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