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Wednesday, November 30, 2011


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Wow your town certainly has its share of interesting people - a great idea for a round of ABC Wednesday - may give it a go next round! People of our village?????

Thanks so much
Denise ABC Wednesday Team


Thank you Denise. Yes, we have some great people in Greensboro. Kathy Treanor is one of them!

Also thank you for diligently visiting the ABC Wednesday meme participants. Few meme hosts are as diligent. Besides, we usually start out day with a spam message that snuck in. (Trying to sell gift baskets).

Jane Mitchell

A nice tribute to one who deserves our grateful appreciation for years to come.


Thank you Kathy Treanor; the world needs more people like you!

Roger Green

Always like the mix between the historic characters and the extant. Oh, and I have gift baskets...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

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