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« Ai Cemetery | Main | Fall Foliage »

Wednesday, November 02, 2011


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Roger Green

I imagine that's why there have been situations where the surving sibling can opt out of the military (see Saving Private Ryan); must be awful to lose two sons, no matter the circumstances.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Scriptor Senex

Sadly a lot of families lost all their youngsters but it's good that these two are celebrated in such a way.

Louis la Vache

A fine post, and a needed reminder of the sacrifice so many made in WWII.
«Louis» tries to visit the Military Cemetery in San Bruno, CA each Memorial Day. He has found a number of graves where brothers were buried next to each other, having been killed (like these brothers) only a short time apart.

Admiral Nimitz, his wife Catherine, and three other Admirals (and their wives) who served with Nimitz in the Pacific are buried there. They declined the opportunity to be buried at Arlington and specified that they be buried with regular tombstones among the ranks who served with them in the Pacific.


David T

George Preddy has the distinction of being the top ranked P-51 ace of WWII. The memorial at PTI tells the brothers' stories, but here is a link to the Wikipedia entry for George Preddy:


Jo Bryant

great post - how sad they both died

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