We've meaning to take you inside the Carolina Theatre for a while now. Above, you see a portion of this regal place. Opening Halloween night 1927, the 2,200 seat theatre is known as the "Showplace of the Carolinas." Imagine the reaction to this opulent interior to the Depression-era audiences who came to be transported into a world of movies and Vaudeville performances. Today, the theater operates as a non-profit with the mission of "Presenting Arts, Preserving History." Read more about the history here; read about President and CEO Holliday here.
Recently, the Carolina Theatre finished their wildly successful annual showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. At the moment, they're in the middle of CTG's Wizard of Oz production. Next, Carolina Theatre's December schedule includes not only live concerts but also the Greensboro Ballet's Nutcracker performances. Finally, for those who celebrate Christmas, what holiday season would be complete without seeing the movie classics, White Christmas, Miracle on 34th Street, and It's a Wonderful Life on the big screen? Be one of the 90,000 patrons-a-year to support this local treasure by attending an event. See the schedule here.
I like the decor of the Carolina Theatre but is has nothing on the theater I used to attend in Wiesbaden/Germany. Take a look at the foyer of the "Hessisches Staatstheater:" http://www.musikunst.de/wiesbaden%20staatstheater%20foyer.JPG
Posted by: Sabrown | Monday, November 14, 2011 at 07:31 AM
Thanks for the link Katja! Beautiful.......
Posted by: Janis | Monday, November 14, 2011 at 06:28 PM