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Tuesday, November 22, 2011


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Katja Brown

I grew up in a little, picturesque town not far from the Rhine River Valley (take a look at these great pics: http://www.j-herzog.de/impressi.htm). However, I guess my taste in art is vastly different from the buyers of Gursky's photo. Don't get me wrong, I like it but I would NEVER have paid over $4 million for the photograph (even if I had that kind of money)!


Katja, the link doesn't seem to be working. Glad to have your feedback on the Gursky, especially from someone who KNOWS the region :).

Oakland Daily Photo

Once I went to the Gursky link I then HAD to look up "chromogenic". Yikes, it seems to be a complex process. It's a beautiful image, but $4 million is a LOT of money. Would love to know who bought it. But like art everywhere, it did its job in inspiring others. Good for you to go out and look in a different way.

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