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Tuesday, October 25, 2011


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Madge @ The View From Right Here

That is just something you don't see much anymore... love it!


Schizophrenic must be the description re North Carolina and tobacco...I no longer use it but miss it terribly. I was a pipe smoker for years and loved every minute of it! But time changes things and it was best to quit.

Re your question: Jacob is my pen name that I've used for most of my writing and blogging. But I decided it no longer made sense for the photo blogs, so I reverted to my given name. :-)


I never saw tobacco harvesting in action. It is not fault of poor plant how people use it. I stopped smoking 8 years ago and still thinking that it was one of my best decisions.


First, congrats on your 1,000th photo...that surely indicates perseverance!

And I must say when you "come out" you come out with a bang...full-fledged photo. Very nice!

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