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« Gearing Up for Halloween at Weatherspoon Gallery | Main | Masquerade Ball »

Friday, October 28, 2011


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i love that they still use this old barn! you should link it to tricia's barn charm!

Abraham Lincoln

Gotta watch what you might find in the pumpkin patches. I like the old barn a lot.


I remember a segment on "Frasier," where Daphne takes Americans to task for tearing down their old buildings, instead of fixing them up for future generations as they do in London (Europe). I think she has a point.

Lovely old building and well, pumpkins are not my thing. But I do like the pumpkin bread (which is really more cake than anything) at Bob Evans Restaurants!


thanks for this reminder-I have to go and buy a pumpkin!

Tami Weingartner

Hello Greensboro! What a lovely way to view a blue sky....over a pumpkin patch. Fall is my favorite time of year.

Louis la Vache

'tis punkin season!
«Louis» is serving Pumpkin Spice Chai as a beverage choice at the farmers markets this weekend.

Janis of So Cal

A very sincere Pumpkin Patch that you have there! We no longer have any "real" local patches,I miss them,their smell,their special charm. I mostly miss the way the corn stalks rustled in the Santa Ana wind all spooky and foreboding at the end of the day when the last children had gone home to a warm kitchen and there remained only we few humans and the many scarecrows among a sea of orange-y pumpkins and whispering corn. What did it say? what did it say? Go away, go away or was that come back,stay,stay?


A Halloween picture. Love it :0)

ann new zealand

I like to report an anonymous comment that I have been getting on my blogs which is offensive to half the American population. I am not American, and is still very angry with it. I have deleted the comment on my blogs, and I wonder if you have received any. I won't bother to mention the name because that would promote him further.


Beautiful photo. I love the old barn! Yesterday, our trees looked like these. This afternoon, there was color everywhere.


Looks like a wonderful place to get your Halloween pumpkin. Great photo, happy skywatching!

Peter B

Cool shot... looks like a happy place!

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