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Sunday, October 23, 2011


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Glad you stopped to get us a close up look.
It is always interesting for me to see flat graves; we are not used to it here.

Take a look at Robert's post today
with the praying hands pointing downward!


This is a powerful statue and photo!
Thanks for your nice comment.

Lowell (aka Jacob)

Greetings, my friend. Nice to hear from you again. This is quite a monument. Very striking and I'm sure inspirational to many.

Jane Mitchell

Recalls Rodin's Cathedral Hands. (http://www.museumstorecompany.com/Rodin-s-Cathedral-Hands-Auguste-Rodin-Museum-Paris-1908-p5154.html?gclid=CMLXmuOW_6sCFQjc4AodFlfElQ)


Thanks Dina, Spiderdrama, and Jacob. And, Jane, let's buy a pair of Cathedral Hands from the Museum Store. They can live 1/2 time at your house and 1/2 at ours.


These praying hands are very powerful in their message! I love that they are so visible from far away to, by your description. It would be awesome to see them in person sometime.


Thank you very much for the kind participation and these hands. Makes one glad indeed, to see that they are 'holding prayers' across half the world as well, as the wall of my entry reflects the same hands.
Please have you all a good start into the new week and please join again soon.

Louis la Vache

The Praying Hands are splendid.

Madge @ The View From Right Here

Wonderful statue...

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