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Wednesday, October 26, 2011


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On page C1 of the News and Record today, we are reminded that Oh Henry! is a popular candy bar that was introduced in 1920 and is still being made today.

Reference/homage to the writer is possible but not confirmed :


Roger Green

O Henry's from there? I did not know that!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Yes, ROG! O. Henry is from here......... Greensboro, North Carolina! While his last name is actually "Henry" who mentions the author without saying the "O" first?


Oh, original thinking for your post. You brought back memories. As a child, I was fascinated by O.Henry's short stories, like Ranson of Red Chief. It was opportune that I landed here to learn more about an author I admire. A standing ovation to you!

Jane Mitchell

While reading one of your links about O. Henry's choice of pen name, I learned that when queried, he replied "O stands for Olivier--that's French for Oliver." Apparently several of his stories appeared with Olivier Henry listed as author.
Also there was once a William Sydney Porter Elementary School here in Greensboro--wonder what happened to it?

barb farr

Terrific and informative post.

Abraham Lincoln

I enjoyed reading this post. O. Henry used to also have a candy bar in this area when I was growing up.


I've always enjoyed his work. Excellent post!


My father was in laugh tears when reading "The Ransom of Red Chief". My personal fav. was "The last leaf".

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