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Wednesday, October 12, 2011


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Katja Brown

Would be interested in learning more about the 26 other people featured in "Greensboro 27."


In such a world of problems, troubles and missery it is good to know our hearts are warmed by the likes of Melvin.
Thanks so much
Denise ABC Team

Roger Green

glad you've had a solid, unexciting mayor to bring the city along.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team



We have featured a few already. Here is the list of the names of the Greensboro 27 from 35 years ago: Ethel Stephens Arnett, Joanne Kapnek Bluthenthal, Orton A. Boren, Kathleen and Joe Bryan, Olivia Burton Burwell, Benjamin Cone, Ceasar Cone, Lewis C. Dowdy, Marion G. Follin, Jr., Robert H. Frazier, Shirley and Henry Frye, Howard Holderness, Mose Kiser, McDaniel Lewis, Jim Melvin, Ernestine and Clyde Milner, Charles W. Phillips, Emily and Rich Preyer, John A Redhead, Jr. McNeill Smith W. Raymond Taylor, Cornelius M. Vanstory, Jr. E.R. Zane.

You will notice that when the man and wife make the list, they count as two for the one chapter.

Helen Mac

Thanks for the great introduction to Mayor Melvin!
ABC Team

Jo Bryant

love the information you give here

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