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Wednesday, October 05, 2011


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He sounds like a good man. Did he become a Quaker after his Civil War service?
Thanks for the new word pomologist.

Katja Brown

Learned a new word today! Pomology = the science and practice of growing fruit!

Katja Brown

Learned a new word today! Pomology = the science and practice of growing fruit!

Roger Green

Dina's question is mine too - Quaker and soldier?
ROG, ABC Wednesday team


The old Quaker families gave a lot to their areas. Love an arboretum.
Joy, ABC Team


Lindley was from a Quaker family. It is my understanding that Guilford has the largest Quaker community outside of New England. Lindley was a Quaker who fought on the Union side of the Civil War but was still accepted when he returned to Greensboro after the war. Yes, Quaker and soldier is a strange combination but, in those days, just about everyone able was enlisted.


Jo bryant

so intersting

Joseph Carlin

He was born named John Van Mons Lindley and was known to most of Greensboro as John Van Lindley, yet he preferred to be called J. Van Lindley. I just finished writing a book about him titled: J. Van Lindley - His Ancestors, Life and Legacy.

The comments above are correct. J. Van was a Pomologist (fruit grower). He was a "Birthright Quaker" because his ancestors had an unblemished line back to the beginning of the Quaker movement. Many Quakers fought in wars: Regulator Movement, Revolutionary, War of 1812, and Civil War. J. Van was living in Missouri when the war broke out. He was against slavery and that drove him to take the Union side. He served in a company that did not participate in action, so they were most likely a support group. He served as a private and was a buffalo hunter and saddler.

If you click on my name below, you will be taken to more information or you can check out www.Amazon.com with a lookup of John Van Lindley for a peek at the book's contents.

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